Mirror’s Edge Catalyst • Keeping the camera in your face

DICE’s Animation Director Erik Söderholm calls it the most important part of camera animation: “Getting the player to understand, and almost feel, what your...

More inspiration


Game design

Circles is an abstract and very minimal puzzle game. It doesn’t have any text, tutorial or score system. Instead, it teaches the player by its form and feedback. The result is a game that feels very...

Creating Realistic Fun in Stable Orbit

In my upcoming game, Stable Orbit, the player is asked to build and maintain the successor to the ISS which, in the fiction of the game, has been deorbited five years prior. My ultimate goal is...

Fixing the DISC ROOM design

DISC ROOM is a small game by Kitty Calis, Doseone and myself. It recently released exclusively for the August Humble Monthly Bundle. With DISC ROOM we wanted to make something simple: a hardcore dodge-'em up inspired by 70's...

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A mini-story about the Minit mosquito

Minit is a peculiar little adventure played sixty seconds at a time. It's a collaboration between me (Kitty Calis), Jan Willem Nijman, Jukio Kallio &...

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst • Keeping the camera in your face

DICE’s Animation Director Erik Söderholm calls it the most important part of camera animation: “Getting the player to understand, and almost feel, what your...

The challenges of designing games for Pillo

Pillo is a new intuitive and comfortable interface for controlling games, in the shape of a pillow. Sounds cool, right? And it is! It...

How Firewatch translated 2D concept art into a 3D open world

This Micro Mortem is based on the talk that Jane Ng's, Lead Artist at Campo Santo, gave at GDC 2016 Graphic designer Olly Moss designed the...

Making people communicate with Tied Together

Tied Together is a local multiplayer party game where two to four players are tied together by a rope. This requires all players to...

A different approach to the Room Escape genre

People who try our games at events are often more familiar with the popular real-life room escape than with the point and click-styled room...

Generating art: Turbo­charge your workflow

What would a game that ran on a turbo­charged Super Nintendo look like? We figured it would look like a blend of 16­bit color...

How We Cheated Physics To Avoid Players Feeling Cheated

When we first started with KABOUNCE, a multiplayer competitive pinball game, we tailored it to the theme of a UE4 game jam: Rocket and...

Creating the Dynamic Sound Design of Future Unfolding

Future Unfolding is a game about exploration; you explore a mysterious forest and its surreal dream logic. One of our design goals was to...

How not to lose your body parts in a networked game

Antegods is an action-packed arena game in which two teams of four players each control customizable stonepunk mechs to hunt for energy and fight off...

How I made Circles feels intuitive without any text or tutorial

Circles is an abstract and very minimal puzzle game. It doesn’t have any text, tutorial or score system. Instead, it teaches the player by...

Designing a Prehistoric Language

In Tribal & Error you play as a robot sent back in time to help cavemen survive the ice age. In order to do...