A mini-story about the Minit mosquito

Minit is a peculiar little adventure played sixty seconds at a time. It’s a collaboration between me (Kitty Calis), Jan Willem Nijman, Jukio Kallio & Dominik Johann. In an earlier interview I told the biggest growth of the game was adding limitations. Think everything from a time limit and simple controls to black and white art. You might think inspiration would run dry that way. But it’s completely the opposite. It helped shine a light on the creative side!

Self expression

The art in Minit is not just art, it’s also self expression and sharing a story. A lot of Minit is very true to what we wanted to work on and talk about. Whether it’s stress, or taking the time to play with your dog. I think it’s nearly impossible to not get something original if you do things that way.

All you hear is zzzzzzzzz

The story behind the mosquito in the game is pretty personal: nothing annoys me more than when summer hits and you’re trying to sleep but all you hear is zzzzzzzzz. The mosquito in the game is basically just one pixel and audio, but that’s the power of limitations. The audio definitely helps, I mean with such a minimal style it really helps to give your audience a bit more to hold onto and I think personal stories matter, it’s making it more relatable. So go out there and tell your stories!

Kitty Calis
Kitty Calishttps://twitter.com/kittycalis
Artist, designer and writer. Minit, Horizon Zero Dawn, Action Henk, and a few things I can't say yet!

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