Author: Editorial Staff

Devblog Posts of the Day (4)

1. Ludum Dare 23 Ludum Dare is a regular accelerated game development Event. Participants develop games from scratch in a weekend, based on a theme suggested...

Devblog Posts of the Day (3)

1. Paladin Studios: Momonga Mondays: The Owl Guards Paladin Studios is going to tell us something about their upcoming iOS hit game (yes, we have...

Devblog Posts of the Day (2)

1. Might And Delight: The Evolution of Pid! (video) Pid is a platform game that will turn everything you know about 2D gameplay upside down. You play as...

[Indie] A MAZE. Indie connect 2012

A MAZE. Indie Connect is a new Indie games festival in Berlin that takes place in April for the first time. The European indie scene...

Devblog Posts of the Day (1)

1. Daniel Benmergui: Storyteller: You don't know what I know Fresh Nuovo Awardist Daniel Benmergui tells the story behind his Storyteller. It's all about storytelling. Quite a...

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