A Spaghetti of Theories Called “The Lasagna Theory of Game Design” And 2 More Devblogs

1. Ronimo’s Joost Van Dongen: The lasagna theory of game design

Van Dongen added his “lasagna theory of game design” to his devblog menu. It’s an interesting, eh… spaghetti of theories:

The point here is that lasagna contains layers, just like gameplay. A game like our just released Awesomenauts at all times has various game systems active in the player’s head, and during different phases of gameplay they will vary in prominence and importance.

Read post here: http://joostdevblog.blogspot.com/2012/05/lasagne…

2. Steambirds’ Andy Moore: Making your own events

Andy Moore, programmer and designer of Steambirds, didn’t post the most spectacular video ever. Not by a mile. But it’s still worth a look if you’re planning your own event (for a game launch or whatever).


3. Gravity Ghost’s Erin Robinson: Animating a Mouse

8 frames. 3 hours. 1 mouse. Now, if that doesn’t make you want to read this blogpost by Mrs. Robinson, we just wasted a couple of minutes. And bytes. And electricity.

I traced the same image several times, an old animation trick to keep the character ‘alive.’ If the character ever stops animating, it ‘dies’ on the screen and essentially becomes part of the background. That’s why nearly every video game character in history has an idle animation (probably – I didn’t exactly look it up).

Read post here: http://livelyivy.com/gravityghost-com/2012/05/ 

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