[Indie] A MAZE. Indie connect 2012

A MAZE. Indie Connect is a new Indie games festival in Berlin that takes place in April for the first time. The European indie scene will gather together in the German capital for two days of inspiration, celebration and play on April 26 and 27.

The festival offers talks and workshops from internationally renowned folk like Doug Wilson (J.S. Joust, Die Gute Fabrik) and Jonathan Brodsky (IGF nominee for Pugs Luv Beats). But the festival has more to offer: the exhibition and game showcase will feature work from international indie devs such as Cactus and media artists like Aram Bartholl. But that is not all: Dutch indie devs represent! Vlambeer and FourceLabs will head to Berlin to showcase their work to the public. Exciting days. Of course no festival without a party, so A MAZE. promises to deliver on that as well with A MAZE. Jump’n Run.

One of the highlights of the festival is the A MAZE. Indie Games Award for “The Most Amazing Game” which will be handed out for the first time on April 27. Festival Director Thorsten S. Wiedemann:  “The Games Award for “The Most Amazing Game” reflects developers’ courage, taking risks and experimenting recklessly with the medium. They push forward gaming’s potential for intellectual and cultural-political exchange.”


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